Saturday, May 18, 2013

Star Trek

I just watched Star Trek Into Darkness and am blown away. I have always been a fan of Star Trek and every time they come out with something new I get worried. --Let me put it to you this way--I like Star Wars as well--4,5 and 6 were great---1,2 and 3 they really blew it---the story lines were good but the acting sucked. Back to Star Trek---Star Trek has always been well acted and when it came to Star Trek (2009) I was a little scared for the future of the franchise but I LOVED Into Darkness--the actors found their characters and played them beautifully. The music was great the cinematography was amazing. There simply isn't enough words for me to describe how much this movie means to me. I can tell you that it gives me renewed hope for future Star Trek movies. I found myself in tears of joy at the end because I'm so excited about the future movies to come. If you want a reliable movie franchise--this is it --it always has been and it always will be the best.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

People of Walmart

I have found myself like so many others looking through People of Wal-Mart  pictures. I realize people should feel free to dress in what makes them comfortable--but when you see people with poop stains on their clothes--seriously--that's too comfortable. I would like to see people take a little more pride in their look--just my opinion.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Life holds so many curiosities for me and I'm sure it's the same for everyone. One of the more interesting ones--is I and my husband are now guardians over my nephew. He came from an unhappy situation with his mom and rather than live with his dad (his parents are divorced) he asked if he could live with us. His grades have improved greatly and he's more outgoing, however he tends to only pass as long as we push him--when we stop his grades head downhill. He's not into drugs--he actually is a really good kid. His attention span is short. He has so many opportunities available for success but makes little use of them. I'm not speaking of money. Why wouldn't he want to succeed at all things? We are not pushing for straight A's but A's and B's would be nice--he agreed--he has made A B honor roll the last two six weeks but now on the final stretch he's falling again. Life is simpler when you apply yourself--just wish he would grasp this concept. Maybe I'm over thinking it--he is after all a teenager.