Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I'm fat!

I'm fat! When I was a child I was small. Actually I was small up until the time I started dating my future husband. I don't blame him for my weight gain, it was all me. I find that I now have issues with food and my emotions. When I'm bored I eat, when I'm sad I eat. The result of this is, I'm fat. I've tried crazy diets and found that none of those fad diets work. When will I want weight loss over my desire for food or should I say unhealthy food. Candy, fried foods, breads and cheeses I love it all. Curious thing is I don't eat terrible at every meal just lunch. I get a combo, just one. I don't shove a ton of food down my throat, it's just the wrong food for my body. If I were a heavy eater I would feel better about my weight, it would make sense. I'm 5'2" tall and weigh 230---yikes!!!! I work a 40hr week and come home every night and clean house, I stay busy. My husband says I need to move more. I walk a lot at work, I'm a land surveyor, we walk. I guess that I'm just lazy, and it just engulfed me into this large woman. I'm blogging because my husband said it's therapeutic, and may help me work through my weight issues. After all I'm the only one who will read or even see this.